The space shuttle Moonraker is stolen. Suspicions lead Bond
to the company that built the shuttle, owned by billionaire Hugo Drax, who has
an idea – to move new ‘Adam snd Eves’ to a space base and then eradicate all
other human life below and start a new civilisation. But, of course you are, Mr
At the end of The Spy Who Loved Me we see the usual message to us fans, ‘James Bond will
Return’. However, it said ‘…in For Your Eyes Only’! Well this obviously was the plan in 1977 when The
Spy Who Loved Me was released – but then
something happened in that same year. Star Wars. Science Fiction was not taken seriously in cinema
before George Lucas’ groundbreaking tour de force. So when that film broke all
box office records and made a pile of cash, every other studio was looking to
make their science fiction projects, indeed SCI-FI was in vogue. Projects
before Star Wars that were green
lit for release in 1979 probably would never have been made – films such as
Ridley Scott’s Alien and definitely
we would not of seen a return to the cinema for Star Trek. With Sci-fi being the ‘in thing’ and Broccoli not
one to never see an opportunity, we have Moonraker instead. Based on Ian Fleming’s novel of the same
name, the film is of course very different but what we basically have here is
Bond in Space for a filmgoing audience of 1979, who had an appetite for Sci-Fi
space adventure fun, and Bond delivers just that.

With the Moore films we do definately notice the productions
are upping the tongue-in-cheek, cheap laughs. Not just in dialogue and quick
references – the cheekiness is spreading into the set pieces and action
sequences. The Spy Who Loved Me had a
submarine car, Moonraker has a
boat chase in Venice, but with a gondola that transforms into a hovercraft.
It’s this kind of thing that actual clashes with the more sincere elements,
like a truly villainous villain, chemical weapons or even if Moore brings more
of Bonds psyche forward rather than raising an eyebrow. The films by now are
definitely being made with the family in mind – something for everyone.
Moonraker has its
flaws, but for me it’s a guilty Bond pleasure. The battle in space at the end
makes up for every small discrepancy it makes up forgetting to the finale (well
for this fan). It’s probably the best example of ‘give the fans what they want’
and they wanted Bond in Space and well, we got it!
3 out of 5
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